Couple Travel Tales -Nominated for Liebster Award 2018
I feel honoured to inform that our travel website “COUPLE TRAVEL TALES ” just received it’s first blog award and I truly thank Dream, Book and Travel for nominating ” Couple Travel Tales” for Liebster Award 2018″.
This truely is an honour and I feel it definitely inspires every blogger who receives the award irrespective of their niche. I have always been fascinated by the bloggers community. Right from the first day of blogging I have met so many bloggers who encourage their fellow bloggers to blog. They have always been so supportive.
About Dream, Book and Travel : They are culture addicts just like us. It’s always beautiful to come across like minded people. Books and Culture travels are the two main likes that we have in common. Don’t forget to contact them before you plan your next big travel vacation as they’ll for sure provide you with the best personalized ittineraries.
For those who aren’t aware of Liebster Award , let me give you a brief introduction.
About the Liebster Award
The Liebster Award is awarded by bloggers to bloggers with a fresh perspective, to recognise their achievements and offer support. It feels so nice to be a part of such a supportive community!
Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.
Answer the 10 questions the blogger asked you.
Nominate blogs with a fresh perspective and great content, to receive the award and write them 10 new questions.
List the rules and display the Liebster Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.
Questions from Dream, Book and Travel to Couple Travel Tales:
1. Describe your blog by assigning a color to it. Explain your choice.
The colour we would assign is light blue, the colour of open skies and horizon which remind us of our mutual love of travel and adventure and unexplored possibilities.
2. Describe your blog by assigning a sound/piece of music to it. Explain your choice.
Though we do have our own personal preferences in the choice of music.. Indie, Alternative Rock and Pop are the genres that are our common favourites. Since it’s a couple blog , we’ll probably assign Indie, Alternative rock or Pop genre for the blog.
3. Describe your blog by assigning a smell to it. Explain your choice.
We are both massive bibliophiles who love the smell and texture of old books. They remind us of the sense of mystery and adventure in exploring places just as some books either commemorate and enrich our travel experiences together while others serve as a unique memento from our trips.
4. Describe your blog by assigning a taste to it. Explain your choice.
We love Indian and mediterranean cuisine. I love spicy food and Unni loves it sweet. Our blog will probably have a mix of every flavour as we love a blend of all the different flavoured food.
5. Describe your blog by assigning a texture to it. Explain your choice.
As we mentioned we love the texture of old books, the faint orange brown colour due to age, the slight crackling of its spine which is a reminder of its rich history.We would love if our blog were to feel like those old books we so love..
6. Describe your blog by assigning a feeling to it. Explain your choice.
Assigning a feeling to our blog .. it would be Happiness and Gratitude. Travelling the world and looking at the world through the eyes of a blogger has always been a special feeling. I feel you look more into the details of every beautiful thing in this world and you appreciate it more. Hence what the writer feels will be the feeling that his/ her article or blogs will impart to the readers.. Every time i blog the two main feelings that I have is ” happiness and Gratitude”.
7. Describe your blog by assigning a season/month of the year/time of day to it. Explain your choice.
Assigning a season to our blog it’ll probably be spring. Our travels mostly focus on the history, culture and traditions of the places we visit. All the different people, their traditions, their amazing histories are all so colourful like that of Spring.
8. Describe your blog by assigning a plant/flower/tree/animal to it. Explain your choice.
If we had to assign a plant/tree to our blog we would choose the Banyan tree. Each travel experience is an enriching one and the memories are like the rootlets from its branches. As i had mentioned in one of my blogs “what if trees could speak” trees have been living since ages and have witnessed all these amazing history of all times, if they could speak i am sure they’ll have a lot to speak about. We being history buffs love to learn more on the history and culture of each and every place we travel and blog on it just like how banyan tree would talk on all the rich history that the tree has witnessed over the course of it’s lifetime.
9. Will you ever retire from traveling? How do you see yourself in your old age?
We don’t see ourselves retiring from travelling at our old age . For us, travelling is not just about the destination, it’s about travelling to places together, all our memories and happiness of travelling together, that comes along with it.
So in our old age even a simple trip to a near by destination will be a cherised memory.
10. If the internet did not exist/imagine living 100 years ago – what would you be doing?
Well, that’s quite simple we would just continue happily travelling around the world. There is always so many options to enjoy life even without internet. We would probably continue to live our lives the way we do now.. focus on our hobbies, play board games, nature walks etc. I agree internet has made our lives so much easier now. Life without it might not be that simple but we’ll always have enough options to enjoy life even without it .
Here are our nominees for Liebster Award 2018:
- Storiesbysoumya – Soumya is an avid traveller who just like us enjoys blogging on ancient ruins, culture and history. We personally love her blogs. Her excellent and detailed blogs on all the ancient ruins is so captivating , check out her blogs and they will definitely make you want to add all the places she visited in your bucket list right away.
- Gypsy Heart Travels– Becky is passionate about travelling the world and teaching. She blogs on Travel , Lifestyle and her amazing teaching experiences from around the world. Her positive outlook on life definitely resonates with the reader.
- Unconventional Grasshopper– Sarah from Unconventional Grasshopper is passionate about travelling the world and blogs on her amazing solo travel experiences from around the world. During her travels she does involve herself in volunteering with animals and enjoys music festivities at the place as well. I personally love animals and i really feel she is doing a fantastic job that way.. travelling plus volunteering to help animals that is an excellent inspiration for all! Keep it up girl!! I would love do something similar.
- EngineerOnTour – This is definitely one of our favourite blogs. You ‘ll find a detailed yet incredible mix of travel guides and stories of all the best places in Europe and everything about Finland. We highly recommend his Finland travel blogs they are so well researched. If you are planning a trip to finland and would love some amazing recommendations regarding offbeat places and things to experience in Finland- look no further . This is the blog that you need ❤. Alexander Popkov, the author of the blog has a great style of writing and his amazing photography skills definitely makes the blog look magical!
- Hesaidorshesaid– Ryne and Denise, a super cute couple , who by the way are our old friends as well. The main tagline of their blog says ” Two sides to every story” aptly fits their blogs. We highly recommend their blog especially their funny travel experiences section.
- Intrepid.scout– Anna loves travelling and she is also an avid story teller. She beautifully explains her travel stories and experiences through stories.Her blogs give you great inspiration to plan your next trip.
- Leahlittletravelfashion – Leah is a travel blogger from Michigan, USA who is passionate about Travel and Fashion. She is a newbie blogger who started blogging 4 months ago and she’s already doing a great job .
- Unravelling Travelling – Ben and Li an amazing couple from England, they document their travel experiences in their blog called Unravelling Travelling. Their aim is to make travel more accessible to those who aren’t naturally in a position of such a privilege.
- Five Family Adventures – This is a fantastic family blog. Alison and her husband love travelling the world along with their three lovely and adventurous kids who enjoys the same. She beautifully blogs about all her amazing travel experiences with family .
10 questions to our nominees are as follows:
1. What prompted you to start blogging?
2. What inspires you to continue blogging?
3 What’s the story behind your blogname/ How did you decide on the name?
4. What do you blog about?
5. Do you have any long term goals for your blog?
6. What’s your favourite hobby other than blogging?
7. Could you mention one simple way to reduce the use of plastic in our everyday life.
8. How does blogging make you feel?
9. What are your top 3 travel destination?
10. What’s your favourite topic to blog on?
PS- Thank you so much Dream, book and travel for nominating us for the Liebster Award 2018 and for giving us the opportunity to nominate all our favourite bloggers as well. We wish all our nominees good luck !!
Happy Travelling and Blogging!
Achu and Unni,

Iam praying for you yo get this award..you really deserve it..waiting to hear it..
That is so sweet❤ anyways we are super honoured to have received the nomination for liebster Award 2018 as this definitely is a great recognition for our blog. Regarding the award- May the best blogger win it as we are just still learning.
Congrats.please keep it up
Thank you so much ❤❤
Amazing! I love your answers guys and I’m so excited to answer your questions 😍 thanks for sharing and thanks for nominating me!! Such a fantastic and inspiring couple ❤️
Aww that is such a lovely comment❤❤. Thank you so much. We are glad we could nominate you… you totally deserve it becky.. wish you all the best❤
Soumya Gayatri
Wonderful news and congratulations. You absolutely deserve this. And thank you so much for nominating us. 🙂
Thank you so much soumya😍 we are so happy to nominate you .. you definitely deserve this award❤❤