"My Mom"
I find this particular blog quite hard to write. It took me days to complete this one. Why? May be coz i keep looking for perfection in it. I feel whatever perfect way I try to describe you and your love, it doesn’t do justice to how loving and supportive you really are.Mom you are my reservoir of abundance of Unconditional love, Strength and Optimism.
Here’s a small poem for you Mom,
“My Mom”
My Mom, My Teacher and My Hero
You are the best teacher in my life who taught me ,
How to optimistically face challenges in life.
To smile even at the time of despair,
And to never give up .
Everything I learnt in life is from you mom.
My Hope and My Faith
During times of Uncertainty ,
When anxiety and fear took control of me
It is you who pushed all my qualms away
By reminding me that Hope is the key.
Everything I learnt in life is from you mom.
My Strength and My Confidence
Everytime I have conflicting thoughts about situations in life,
The first person I think of is you.
The mere thought of you puts an end to the endless strife,
Giving me the strength to try and be you.
Everything I learnt in life is from you mom.
My Love and My trust
You made me realize what unconditional love feels like
Showed me that Love, Trust and Respect are all interlinked.
You stood by me in the weakest and strongest of times,
And it is the trust you have on me that truly encourages me to become a better person.
Everything I learnt in life is from you mom.
My Source of Optimism
Positive and Negative are two sides of a coin.
You taught me how to flip every situation in life and see the positive in it.
Reminded me that building a strong mind is simple,
Self introspection and Optimism is the key,
Everything I learnt in life is from you mom.
My God and My Religion
It is said that God’s love is unconditional and pure,
And that everything is possible with him by our side,
Seeing the unconditional yet unbiased love that you shower on me,
I know one thing for sure that if God exists he will be just like you.
Everything I learnt in life is from you mom.
I wanted to publish this post on Mother’s day well it’s still not too late to wish you.
A very Happy Mother’s Day Mom
Aswathi Ashok.

Yes this is a true tribute to all mothers. .you have written it from your heart.congratulations . 365days is actually parents day
Thank you so much and true every day is special as Mother’s day.Love and regards to every mom who is just like my mom😍😍😍
Lakshmy Ashok
Very beautiful poem on Mom. I felt am reading about my mom. She is an epitome of selflessness and unconditional love. Do keep writing . Love your writing style 😘
Thank you so much Mom.I am so proud of you 😘😘😘 and I am so happy you loved the poem😍😍😍.
Lakshmy Ashok
Such a lovely poem for your mom. 🙂
Thank you so much.
Awesome , it reflects the mind of each & every daughter
Thank you and true every mom-daughter ( Parent-kid)relationship is beautiful in it’s own way . Thank you for taking time and reading the poem😍😍
It’s my pleasure
Do visit again😊
Sure 👍