The Key to get through –“Uncertainty in Life”.
We all go through the phase of uncertainty in our lives .Some of them panic ,few lose hope while a few others accept the phase and are ready to keep moving since they are aware of the fact that this phase will change too.
Often we reach a point in life where we vacillate between two major decisions in life.
We all are travellers hoping to reach the common destination called SUCCESS .There are a myriad different paths leading to the destination. Since all paths lead to the same destination we are free to choose any path .No traveller sticks to the same route till the end these routes intertwine and sometimes two travellers following two different path might cross each other. Not just the paths intertwining ,each traveller based on what Choice he makes switches paths accordingly. This is how complex our so called life is, albeit life as such isn’t that convoluted as we think it is.It’s the result of the choices that we make in life .
It so happens that sometimes few of us end up being the lone travellers in a particular path especially when we make choices that lead to paths that are not often taken by others.
Many of us give up due to the following:
The more pristine the path is, less likely it is used by other travellers and hence more uncertain the road ahead seems to be.
Well if you choose to take this path , then always remember the sole reason why you wanted to choose this path which will definitely act as an incentive to you throughout the journey but don’t give up.
I have seen the most positive ones lose hope when they enter the phase of uncertainty. Never could understand how this could happen. I realised how hard this really is only when I went through this phase- the difficulty to get through this phase successfully without losing hope even when future ahead seems bleak and you are haunted by vivid apprehension about the future .Getting past this phase definitely seems like an extensively arduous journey, but there is something that each one of us has to remember “Things will definitely get better”.
It is true the phase of uncertainty in life is quite daunting but it isn’t totally impossible to cross through the phase .Everyone of us at some point of life might have crossed this phase, what actually matters is to hold on to hope no matter what. What is the point if we finally cross the phase of uncertainty and come out losing self confidence and hope.
Notwithstanding the tendency to become pessimistic in the phase of uncertainty in life, we should all try and be optimistic. Even if you become mercurial at times , it’s okay that doesn’t mean you will not get better. You never know when situations get better. Changes in life due to this uncertainty need not always exacerbate a situation , sometimes the uncertainty might be a necessary pre-requisite for a better future since in the process we learn an important lesson called patience and learn to look at life with the right positive attitude.
Remember HOPE is the key to get through uncertainty in life. Never lose it.Hold on to hope and never give up and strive to reach the destination with positive outlook, slowly u can see the glimpse of the road ahead which will further keep you motivated to keep going ahead no matter what. Soon you will reach your destination called “SUCCESS”.
Good luck!!! 🙂
By: Aswathi Ashok.