Are you a Grumpy Cat???
If I am asked a question as to what in my opinion is the most complicated thing .I would say ‘People’. It’s amazing at the same time quite obscure how each individual’s mind works. Every person has his/ her own idiosyncratic characteristics in the way they think , behave and react.Oftentimes, how each individual reacts is based on how the person construes a particular situation.
We meet people everywhere. As no two individuals are similar, it is pretty obvious that we will meet people with varied personalities that are unique to oneself. People can be Optimistic, Pessimistic, Pessimistically Optimistic, Optimistically Pessimistic, Introvert or Extrovert and the different categories that you can differentiate them could go on in this manner. However, there are certain strange people that come under no special category. I call them the ‘grumpy cat type’ category. They are neither pessimistic nor optimistic they are just grumpy all the time.
It seems like they have an opinion on everything that happens around them.They see someone happy and just can’t stop themselves from saying hurtful things .
These memes beautifully exemplifies how a person with a grumpy cat type personality would react in public.
If you are being a spoilsport or a Killjoy and are being unnecessarily rude to someone just because your ideology / opinions or fashion sense doesn’t match someone else’s. Then remember you are slowly becoming part of this new category.
Laziness too could lead to grumpiness.
Even the good ones sometimes act grumpy when they become lazy. So it is up to us what we become.
Just as how a smile is said to be infectious, the company of a grumpy person could be too. The difference is that the former spreads happiness while the latter deprives someone of their happiness.
Personally I had the misfortune of meeting a few grumpy cats this week . Seeing them, even I had become a bit grumpy .My reaction each time I thought of them was something like the memes that follow:
Being an optimist it’s always been so easy to handle any hardships, people, situation etc in life. Meeting grumpy ones I realised it did try to change me a bit to the grumpier scale. I wondered how they got this pure talent of being mean to others. Self analysing myself helped me to get back to being my ‘happy me’ again.I realised you simply can’t argue with such people.
Here is a secret for those who are struggling to cope up to all the ridiculous comments and opinion of all the grumpy people out there. You could call it an open secret since everyone is definitely aware of it but sometimes forget to apply it in life.
This is just a reminder!
By : Aswathi Ashok.
PC: Wikipedia and pinterest.

Great post and awesome presentation with their wonderful quotes. We too humans are similar to them.
Absolutely True. A bit of grumpiness is there in everyone of us.All we can do is try not be grumpy all the time.