Musings on life

A-Z Tips to Happiness

A- Always live in the present.
B- Be grateful for all the good things/ People/ Friends/Family and health that god has given us.
C- Create a memorable happy day everyday.
D- Do it whole heartedly – never do anything for the sake of doing.
E- Enjoy each moment .
F- Feel free to let go- always remember if it is meant to be yours it will come back to you and if it doesn’t then it was never yours.
G- Give up self pitying.
H- Help others- happiness that you gain when you help someone else and make them happy is priceless.
I- Ignore all the negativity.
J- Juxtapose every negative thought in your mind with a contrasting positive thought. Then once you get the positive counterpart of your negative thought in mind, choose to see only the positive thoughts.
K- Keep yourself busy . In case after work you have too much time on your hands then try out some new hobby.Remember-” An idle mind is a devil’s workshop”.
L- Love yourself and everything around you as well.
M- Make new friends .
N- Never give up.
O- Optimistic attitude to every situation in life is the key to happiness.
P- Pray god and thank him for all the lovely blessings he has given us.
Q- Quit being querulous.
R- Remember to always love the people that god has given you because you never know when he will need them back. Hence, Never take things for granted.
S- Spread happiness- if you are able to think optimistically through every situation in life and is a happy soul by god’s grace then try and spread happiness to others as well coz the world needs it.
T- Travel 😍
U- Unless you decide to help yourself no one else can. Apply this formula to everything in life .
V- Verbiage of negativity should be removed from our lives.
W- Willingly volunteer and adopt a pet animal or simply enjoy the company of animals coz animals are shortcuts to happiness.
Y- You are responsible for how you feel.Don’t let anyone kill your vibe.
Z- Zeal- with the right zeal even the most quotidian chores of everyday life can be done with happiness.

By: Aswathi Ashok.



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